About SPER


School of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (SPER) is one of the oldest and most reputed Pharmacy Institute of India and Ranked #1 amongst the Pharmacy Schools of country (NIRF 2024, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India). Currently, the school offers post graduate and PhD programs in all major branches of pharmaceutical sciences in addition to diploma and undergraduate courses in Pharmacy. The School has advanced infrastructural and instrumental facilities like TEM, NMR, LC-MS/MS, GCMS, HPLC, HPTLC, SFE etc. and other state-of-art laboratories like Bioactive Natural Products Laboratory and Nanomedicine Laboratory etc. All the four departments of SPER are DST-FIST sponsored and are actively involved in research as evident from the publications in reputed journals. The School has published more than 800 research papers in SCI indexed journals and filed more than 25 patents in last five years with more than 20,000 citations and H index of more than 67. Currently, SPER is having more than ten crore rupees grant in

Department of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry is one of the premier department of the School and supported by FIST DST and SAP-II grant of UGC, Govt. of India. Department is offering M Pharm and PhD in Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. Bioactive Natural Product Laboratory (BNPL) is a well-equipped state of art laboratory of department developed from project grants. The laboratory is working for Metabolomics, Quality Control, Monograph Development, Hyphenated Chromatography, TLC Bioautography, Pharmacokinetics and Stability Studies of Herbal Drugs and Formulations. It has several research collaborations with Industries (Hamdard, Dabur, Aimiletc) and institutions in India and abroad (NCNPR, University of Missisipi, USA; University of Khartoum, Sudan; INN University, Norway etc). For further details, please visit www.jamiahamdard.edu