- coeunani@gmail.com
- 011 2605 9688 Ext 5470
List of publications - Books
1. Sayeed Ahmad (2021), Quality control analysis of Araqiyat using GC-MS (fingerprinting) in a book entitled, “Advanced Analytical Methods for Quality control of Unani drugs- Arqiyat (Distillates) with Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine. 2. Sayeed Ahmad (2019). Introduction to Pharmacognosy, ISBN: 978-93-89307-58-0, IK International, New Delhi, (Wiley) for UG students of Pharmacy (Theory and Practical), 406 pages, 2019, 3. Sayeed Ahmad (2020). A Laboratory Manual of Pharmacognosy, ISBN: 9789389795561, IK International, New Delhi, for UG students of Pharmacy (Practical), 120 pages, 2020, 4. Sayeed Ahmad (2015). A Laboratory Manual of Pharmacognosy, ISBN: 9789384588892, IK International, New Delhi, for UG students of Pharmacy (Practical), 120 pages, 2015, 5. Sayeed Ahmad (2012). Introduction to Pharmacognosy, ISBN: 978-93-80026-48-0, IK International, New Delhi, for UG students of Pharmacy (Theory and Practical), 406 pages, 2012,